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CLI Memory Model
Updated Sep 4, 2012 by jht5...@gmail.com


Microsoft's CLI implementation(CLR)'s memory model

What is a memory model? It’s the abstraction that makes the reality of today’s exotic hardware comprehensible to software developers.

The reality of hardware is that CPUs are renaming registers, performing speculative and out-of-order execution, and fixing up the world during retirement. Memory state is cached at various levels in the system (L0 thru L3 on modern X86 boxes, presumably with more levels on the way). Some levels of cache are shared between particular CPUs but not others. For example, L0 is typically per-CPU but a hyper-threaded CPU may share L0 between the logical CPUs of a single physical CPU. Or an 8-way box may split the system into two hemispheres with cache controllers performing an elaborate coherency protocol between these separate hemispheres. If you consider caching effects, at some level all MP (multi-processor) computers are NUMA (non-uniform memory access). But there’s enough magic going on that even a Unisys 32-way can generally be considered as UMA by developers.


请看示例: [7]

class Test
    private bool _loop = true;

    public static void Main()
        Test test1 = new Test();

        // Set _loop to false on another thread
        new Thread(() => { test1._loop = false;}).Start();

        // Poll the _loop field until it is set to false
        while (test1._loop == true) ;

        // The loop above will never terminate!


00000068  test        eax,eax
0000006a  jne         00000068

由于 _loop 未加 volatile 关键词,所以编译在优化时读取了在 EAX 寄存中的值,即在单线程情况下运行是没有问题的。

如果将 _loop 标记为 volatile 时,编译出来的代码如下:

00000064  cmp         byte ptr [eax+4],0
00000068  jne         00000064





在多处理器中,每个核都有各自的缓存(如L0, L1, L2),具体参看 Study_Java_HotSpot_Concurrent 。假设程序读写两个变量 u, v

当程序非 volatile 写内存时:

然而在 C# 中,所有的写数据都是 volatile 的,所以在 C# 中写变量则如下:

在读非 volatile 的变量时如下(没有读到内存中实际的值,取得到的是缓存过已经过期的值):

当读取 volatile 的值的时候,则变成:


Construct Refreshes thread cache before? Flushes thread cache after? Notes
Ordinary read No No Read of a non-volatile field
Ordinary write No Yes Write of a non-volatile field
Volatile read Yes No Read of volatile field, or Thread.VolatileRead
Volatile write No Yes Write of a volatile field – same as non-volatile
Thread.MemoryBarrier Yes Yes Special memory barrier method
Interlocked operations Yes Yes Increment, Add, Exchange, etc.
Lock acquire Yes No Monitor.Enter or entering a lock {} region
Lock release No Yes Monitor.Exit or exiting a lock {} region


[1]. http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-335.pdf
[2]. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jaredpar/archive/2008/01/17/clr-memory-model.aspx
[3]. http://www.bluebytesoftware.com/blog/2008/06/13/VolatileReadsAndWritesAndTimeliness.aspx
[4]. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/cbrumme/archive/2003/05/17/51445.aspx
[5]. http://www.bluebytesoftware.com/blog/2007/11/10/CLR20MemoryModel.aspx
[6]. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163715.aspx
[7]. http://igoro.com/archive/volatile-keyword-in-c-memory-model-explained/